Freedom is known for its innovation in developing unconventional environmentally-friendly products, such as heat-generating paint and instant water heaters. We have made particular efforts in dealing with energy and resource issues, and many businesses now enjoy cost savings through implementation of Freedom’s products.
Freedom has established a proven record of creating completely new ideas, and developing them into a variety of products which contribute to our customers’ health and beauty goals. At the same time, we have taken initiative in our approaches to environmental issues. These products and services continue to support our customers’ health and happiness while enriching lifestyles.
To address environmental energy issues, consider the example of our heat-generating paint, which uses only a fraction of the electricity of traditional methods to generate similar heat.
Technology such as electric instant water heaters and fuel efficiency improvement systems allow reduction of fossil fuel consumption.
Our products offer environmentally-friendly solutions to help reduce business costs.
An agency agreement is required for businesses who wish to deal with us our use OEM products. Please use the “Contact Us” form to get in touch.
Freedom Co., Ltd. endeavors in planning, development, and production.
These form the foundation of or efforts to fulfill our corporate mission: “Pursue new standards in beauty and health while addressing environmental issues.” To this end, we have oriented our development about three business areas.